Glutathione infusion therapy

Glutathione is one of the important antioxidants for the brain, detoxifying the body and protecting the brain from various harmful substances.
It has been found that this important substance, glutathione, is reduced in the brains of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Glutathione has been reported to be effective against Parkinson’s disease.
In Japan, glutathione has been used for the treatment of self-addiction, morning sickness, preeclampsia, drug addiction, and chronic hepatitis for more than 40 years.

Glutathione infusion therapy is a type of detoxification therapy. It activates enzymes involved in the body’s metabolic function and promotes the metabolism of toxic substances. It also relieves addiction symptoms and helps the body recover. In addition to detoxification, it is expected to have some liver function improving, anti-fatty liver, and anti-allergic effects. Due to its detoxification effect, it is also suitable for drug poisoning, metal poisoning, morning sickness, preeclampsia, and self-poisoning. In addition, it may be applied to the treatment of eczema and age spots in the dermatological field. It has no strong effects, but has few side effects.

Indications for glutathione:

It is said to be effective for various diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, ear ringing, autonomic neuropathy, indefinite complaint syndrome, influenza, self-addiction, morning sickness, preeclampsia, drug addiction, chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, allergies, and skin diseases.

Glutathione Infusion Therapy:

Tathione injection 200mg Glutatin 2000mg + Vitamin B + Vitamin C is administered by intravenous drip.
For the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, it is recommended that the frequency be 2-3 times a week for about 3 months. If the condition improves, then treatment is given once or twice a week as a maintenance program. The duration of one infusion is about 20 to 30 minutes.
If you want to prevent the progression of Parkinson’s disease, you can start with a maintenance program.