Birth Story August 22, 2015

August 22, 2015               16:05                   3566 grams

It was Monday midnight when I felt an uncontrollable leak in bed. I was startled that early labor did not happen first just as it did with my first son. The order of events threw me off. I woke up my husband and called my doula, Amanda. She suggested to call my translator and the Yui clinic. I was told to come in and test for water, which turned positive, so we stayed and waited for early labor to kick in. I did not have any contractions until 3:50 am after coming into Yi at 1:15ish. Early labor lasted eight hours. The baby was sleeping in my womb only causing mild contractions. I was nervous but relieved that I was going to meet my new baby boy a little early. He was twelve days a little too soon. My doula arrived at 6:45 am and informed me there was another client also concerned she might begin labor, although mine was actually beginning. I walked around, tried different positions, and finally started feeling stronger waves. Active labor had begun around noon. The staff encouraged me to eat their breakfast and lunch, but my appetite would not allow me. I was more thirsty than hungry. Amanda and my husband helped me apply counter pressure onto my lower back. I knew I would be having back labor the second time around.

The familiar intensity of surges reminded me of my first labor. I accepted the discomfort and urge to push and let my body take over. It was an excruciating four hours. I felt his head crowning as I was squatting. The midwives cheered me on to keep going as I put my hand on his head. I was told to stand up to birth Huxley down as his shoulder got a bit stuck—nothing too severe. He had some trouble breathing and his cord wrapped around his neck when he was born. Amanda encouraged me to talk to my baby while Dr. Fumi and midwives pumped air into his tiny body. He took his first breath and cry. We were all relieved and happy to know he was a healthy baby boy, an ounce shy of his big brother, and an inch shorter. They look so much alike, yet nearly six years apart. I feel so blessed having two, beautiful boys. I could not have pulled through this experience at any other hospital and guidance from my amazing doula.

I am also thankful my husband stayed behind his deployment to be here with me and our family. He is an ER doctor and was very impressed with the thorough care Yui has to offer. I stayed the full recommended five days because I knew I wasn’t getting this kind of service at home. I am scheduled to check out today as I am writing this story. I almost don’t want to go home. I am thinking of opening up a tab!

Thank you, Yui!