Thank you for helping us to have a beautiful and peaceful birth for our son. September 19th, 2019

On September 17th I woke and felt a light gush in my underwear and thought maybe my water broke. I started to feel very mild contractions but continued on with my day. By lunchtime my husband and I decided to go to Yui Clinic to check if it was my water or not. When we arrived at the clinic the midwives put me on the monitor first and then checked if I was dilated. They checked and confirmed it was not my water and I was not yet dilated so we went home. That evening I became more uncomfortable but was able to sleep most of the night.

The next day September 18th (my husband’s birthday) I asked him to stay home to watch our 2 ½ year old so I could labor through the day. As the day went on I became more and more uncomfortable. We went for a walk in the afternoon and then by 9PM that evening I was feeling the contractions longer and stronger so we decided to go to Yui. We arrived around 9:30PM and our daughter went to sleep in the Tatami room while I continued to labor. After about 30 minutes on the monitor the midwife checked my dilation and to all of our surprise I had 0 dilation. I was just soft.

But my body was telling me something different so I didn’t let myself get discouraged. About 10 minutes later I moved to another delivery room and felt a huge pressure and pain on my bum and then a large gush of water. This time my water had definitely broken. I called to the midwife and I had quickly gone from 0 dilation to 8 cm dilated. From this point things moved fast. The contractions were much stronger and soon I had the urge to push. The midwife gave me the okay to start pushing and about 30 minutes later our son was born. In total he took 3 ½ hours after arriving at Yui Clinic to be born. He arrived at 12:50 AM on September 19th, 2019. My husband ran to get our daughter so she could see her brother being born and then she even got to cut his cord.

Our prenatal care and birth experience at Yui Clinic was wonderful. We are so thankful to the staff and midwives who supported us and made us feel comfortable here. This birth was so fast and so special for our family as we grow from 3 to 4 of us. Thank you Dr. Fumi and all the staff at Yui Clinic for supporting our family and helping us to have a beautiful and peaceful birth for our son.

With love,